Have you noticed a few unusual things occurring with your air conditioning system? Perhaps its making funny noises or leaking from time to time? If so, it may be time to face the music that your system needs to be replaced. There’s nothing worse than waiting for a hot day to realize your AC needs fixing! If you notice any of the following with your system, it’s time to call in the professionals.

No Cold Air.

man cooling off in front of electric fan

Is your system turned up as high as possible and still not producing cold air as it once did? Or maybe it’s not cold at all? If your system isn’t cooling to it’s full potential, this could be indication that serious repairs need to be made or your in need of a totally new system. In this scenario, contact your local professional to come over and take a look.

Moisture.Have you noticed leaks around your unit or moisture build up? If so, your system could be experiencing major issues such as refrigerant leaks or drain tube issues. Should you notice either of these issues surrounding your system, it’s another sign professionals need to be called.

Unusual noises.Just like cars and appliances, strange noises coming from your air conditioning system is indication of internal issues. If you hear any grating, grinding or squealing noises, have your system checked out as soon as possible. If you catch the issue early enough, you be able to avoid having to replace your entire system.

Thermostat issues.Have you noticed the upstairs of your home is extremely cold while the downstairs is uncomfortable? It may not be your air conditioning unit itself that needs to be serviced. It could be an indication that your thermostat is causing the cooling issues.

No matter what your air conditioning needs are, the team at Rusk Heating and Cooling is here to help. Whether you’re in need of ac repair, maintenance, or an entirely new system, you can call on us! Learn more about our air conditioning services at www.docrusk.com.