What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word ‘summer’? If it’s heading out back to your barbecue grill and throwing some of your favorite meat on the fire, you’re not alone. That’s why July has been named National Grilling Month. But you might be thinking, what does this have to do with hvac? For starters, cooking inside your home during the summer months can drive up energy costs. How? Using the oven or stove produces lots of heat in and around the kitchen which can make your air conditioner work harder. For that reason, we strongly encourage you to take full advantage of your grill and enjoy the nice weather outside. But that’s not the only way to keep energy costs to a minimum this summer. For additional ways to save, see below: Ways To Save On A/C Costs:
- There’s no need to stay inside your own home all day. You can give your cooling system a rest by frequenting the local library, coffee shop or other public places with A/C.
- Utilize exhaust fans in conjunction with your air conditioner especially on humid days.
- Open up windows and doors on cooler nights to allow some fresh air in, but remember to close them up as the sun rises.
- Instead of cooking hot meals, opt for cooler things like sandwiches or smoothies.
- Close the blinds or drapes during the daytime hours to keep the sun’s warm rays out.
- Have a programmable thermostat installed for better control over your indoor environment.
Having issues with your cooling system? The right Covington, OH, AC repair professional can fix your air conditioner quickly. If you want fast service and friendly technicians, come to Rusk Heating & Cooling .