The same thing that keeps you comfortable all year long can also make you sick. That’s right we’re talking about your home’s HVAC system and although it can seem like a lifesaver when temperatures get too hot or too cold, it can actually cause severe health problems if you don’t maintain it properly. Today, we’re talking about how to properly clean washable air filters – a vital component of any maintenance regimen. Here’s What You’ll Need:
- Vacuum
- Screwdriver
- Rag
- Water
- Vinegar
- Towel
Here’s What You’ll Need To Do:
- In most cases, the filter will be secured behind a register with a few screws. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws and take out the filter.
- Check the filter for overt signs of wear and tear. Be on the lookout for rips or snaps and if you spot them, don’t bother cleaning the filter. It’s to replace it.
- If all looks good, aside from dust and dirt, vacuum up the grime. Just be careful not to rip or tear the filter (we recommending using a soft brush attachment on the vacuum).
- It’s a good idea to sanitize the filter once it’s cleaned off. To do so, fill a small basin with a mild cleaning detergent, or a bit of vinegar, and water. Let it soak for an hour or two and then remove the filter and drain it.
- Allow the filter to dry naturally and then place it back into your HVAC system.
A heating and cooling system is a huge investment that you depend on daily. Our Maintenance Agreements can help make sure your system stays reliable and efficient for a long, long time. Call Rusk Heating & Cooling today to find out how we can help!