If you’ve recently purchased a new sofa into your home or had old carpeting replaced, the chemical fumes they can emit may be compromising your indoor air quality.

Add other common pollutants such as pollen, mold and bacteria and what you have is air that isn’t as healthy as it should be.

While the experts at Rusk Heating and Cooling can help keep your furnace and air conditioning systems running cleanly with new filters and routine maintenance, simple houseplants can act as natural filters that improve the quality of the air you and your family breathe. Here are four beautiful, low-maintenance choices that fit into any décor.


Aloe is genuinely nature’s wonder. This small succulent helps remove airborne chemicals from paints and cleaning products while the antiseptic gel inside its softly spiked leaves relieves the pain of minor cuts and burns.

Golden Pothos

This beautiful tumbling vine is a good fit for a hanging pot and helps filter out formaldehyde that new furnishings and carpet release. It thrives in almost any condition including full shade and makes an excellent choice for basements or the garage.

Bamboo Palm

This sturdy indoor palm brings elegance to any partially sunny room while it helps to remove harmful formaldehyde and other chemicals from the air.


These classic flowers are inexpensive and available as potted plants year round in a variety of colors for every season. They filter out chemicals found in glues, paints, detergents, and plastics while adding warmth to any space.

Add a green houseplant for every 100 feet of space in your home for clean, healthy air, but when you need experts to ensure your heating and cooling systems are filtering effectively, call or visit the Rusk Heating and Cooling website for more information and helpful tips.