Air Conditioning Maintenance in Norwood, Ohio

What’s Included With AC Maintenance from Rusk Heating and Cooling?

During an air-conditioning tune-up, there are several services a trained HVAC technician will complete in order to restore your system to proper working order. These services last only about an hour, but can be incredibly insightful and help you prepare for the upcoming season. These services include:

  • Checking all electrical components and wiring to make sure it is working efficiently
  • Cleaning out evaporator coils
  • Making sure all connections are properly secured
  • Cleaning out clogged air filters or replacing the air filter entirely if it is damaged
  • Cleaning out blower fans and other similar components
  • Checking the run capacitor of the air conditioning unit

If your HVAC technician does find an issue during their tune-up service, they can provide you with options to have your air conditioning unit repaired as soon as possible.

How Often Do I Need Air Conditioning Maintenance?

Your air conditioner should be serviced once a year, ideally in the spring. Should your HVAC technician find an issue that would require a new part or replacement of your unit, temperatures are milder in the spring so being without a cooling system shouldn’t be incredibly uncomfortable for a few days. If you wait until the summer to have air conditioning maintenance performed, you may have to wait in incredibly humid temperatures for a few days.

Rusk Heating and Cooling is proud to serve the Norwood area and its surrounding communities. We understand the importance of annual AC maintenance, and we’ll be sure to provide your home with the service it needs. Contact us today to get started.

Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance

There are lots of reasons why an air conditioner tune-up is essential in the spring season. From saving money to staying comfortable all summer long, the sooner you schedule your maintenance service, the sooner you’ll experience the benefits such as:

Increased Comfort

One of the most common issues with an air conditioning system is blowing out hot air. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including a dirty air filter or frozen evaporator coil. If your system breaks or blows out hot air, these can all make your summer incredibly unbearable. With the proper air conditioning maintenance, you can make sure your air conditioning unit works well throughout the entire season.

Lower Energy Bills

When your air conditioning system is running constantly but is not properly cooling your home, this is one of the warning signs that your AC system is in need of maintenance. It’s best to contact local certified technicians to make sure your bills don’t continue to be sky-high all summer long.

Fewer Breakdowns

It’s never normal for your AC unit to constantly break down. It can be a stressful experience having to constantly schedule service for a broken central air conditioning unit. Major repairs can also be quite costly. It’s best to get professional service done early in order to ensure your cooling system continues to function properly and reduce breakdowns.

Longer System Lifespan

The average life expectancy of an AC unit is anywhere between 15 to 20 years. However, certain factors can lower their life expectancy. This includes a lack of annual tune-ups, lack of regular maintenance, living in a hot environment, and more. To improve your system’s life, contact the HVAC pros at Rusk Heating and Cooling to schedule your AC tune-up every year.

Protect Warranty Coverage

The manufacturer’s warranty on your AC unit might require that you properly maintain your unit with professional AC tune-up services. Missing out on these important maintenance services could result in voiding your warranty, making repairs much more expensive throughout your air conditioner’s life.

AC Maintenance From Rusk Heating and Cooling

Don’t wait until air conditioning issues occur to provide your system with the maintenance it needs. At Rusk, we offer the best service for our customers, work hard to help you properly maintain your unit, and conduct repairs with highly trained and educated technicians. When you sign up for one of our maintenance plans, you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to schedule your annual maintenance appointment. Our services include air conditioning installation, repairs, and tune-ups in Norwood, Ohio!

From AC maintenance and repair to installation, we’ll provide your unit with the service that it needs to keep your family safe and cool all year long. Reach out to our team today to schedule services.

Contact Rusk Heating and Cooling for Annual AC Maintenance in Norwood, OH

The hottest summer days can cause your air conditioner to break down when you need it most. Stand up against the hot summer temperatures by scheduling AC maintenance in Norwood, OH. Doing so will ensure your system is ready for the many months of cooling ahead. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.