Air Conditioning Installation in Norwood, OH

Signs That You Should Replace Your Air Conditioning System

There are a variety of signs that can indicate it’s time to replace your air conditioner. Contact the team at Rusk for AC installation and replacement services if your system exhibits any of the following possible issues:

AC Unit is Over 15 Years Old

Air conditioners are built to last for many years. Typically, an AC will provide around 15 years of comfort, depending on maintenance, usage, and other factors. As your system ages, look out for any signs of trouble and contact Rusk as soon as you notice any possible issues. Replacing your system sooner than later can prevent a dangerous complete breakdown.

Your Cooling Bills Are Rising

Sudden spikes in cooling costs are a sure sign that your system is no longer operating as efficiently as it once was. Replacing your system with a newer and more efficient unit is a great way to see lower energy bills and even reduce your overall carbon footprint.

Uneven Cooling Throughout the Home

If some areas of your home are much warmer or cooler than other areas, it’s likely a sign that your system isn’t providing even temperatures to all areas of the home. Replacing the system can restore temperatures and help all areas of the home remain cool and comfortable.

Leaks Beneath the System

Older AC systems may start leaking water or refrigerant. This can be a serious safety hazard and even drive up your utility expenses. A professional HVAC technician from Rusk can inspect your system, determine the extent of the issue, and recommend the best solution.

You Schedule Frequent Repairs

There’s nothing wrong with needing to provide your AC with a repair every now and then. But when you need to schedule a repair seemingly every year, you’re likely sinking money into a system that ultimately needs to be replaced. Instead, invest that money toward a new air conditioner that will provide years of refreshing cool air in your Norwood area home.

Factors To Consider When Buying a New AC Unit

At Rusk Heating and Cooling, we believe it’s important for you to consider all factors when deciding to purchase a new air conditioner. Consider the following factors when the time comes to replace your air conditioner:

SEER2 Rating

An air conditioner’s SEER2 rating measures the unit’s efficiency. The higher the SEER 2 rating, the more efficient the unit is. You’ll notice efficiency reflected in your energy bills

Size of the System

While a system that is too large can lead to wasted energy, a system that is too small can cause the system to stay on for too long. Find the system that is sized perfectly for your home before making a purchase.

Noise Output

A loud air conditioner can be disruptive and affect your home’s comfort. When choosing a new AC unit, consider the noise output of the different models. Look for units that have lower decibel ratings or features like variable-speed fans that can reduce noise levels.

Indoor Air Quality Add Ons

Many air conditioners allow you to install additional features that can enhance indoor air quality and comfort, such as air purifiers or dehumidifiers. If you are concerned about air quality issues or high humidity levels, consider an AC unit that includes these add-ons to improve the overall comfort and health of your home.

Rusk Heating and Cooling Offers Financing on Air Conditioner Installation

There’s never an ideal time to install a new HVAC system. We understand the costs of a new unit are high and you may not always have the necessary funds on hand to install a new unit. That’s why we’re proud to provide financing options to customers who qualify. Contact our team today to learn more about our financing options.

Contact Rusk Heating and Cooling for Air Conditioner Installation in Norwood, OH

At Rusk Heating and Cooling, we want to help your home stay safe and comfortable all summer long. When your air conditioner experience issues that require service, you can count on our team to provide knowledgeable, professional, and efficient services. Contact us today for air conditioner installation services in Norwood, OH.